This brief, complimentary course/webinar for advisors will help you to assist your clients with their greatest challenges: those that involve the impact of wealth on their family members and future generations.

This course has three parts:

Part 1: What's In
It For You?

A new approach to family wealth preservation and how it can help you, your clients, and your firm

Part 2: Pain Points & Pain Relievers

The problems that families of wealth face and why they can be so hard to address

Part 3: Steps to

How to think about offering family wealth preservation services at your organization

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  Family Wealth Ways
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days after you enroll

About Tom Gorman

Tom Gorman, founder of Family Wealth Ways, is an author, coach, workshop facilitator, and marketing strategist.

Check out Tom's books on Amazon HERE.

Think creatively...

...about your business and clients

Expand your knowledge...

...of how wealth impacts your clients

Take steps... enhance your client relationships